Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Have Yourself A Merry (little or big) Christmas

Years ago when my dad moved in I vowed to make my life easier, because it became very complicated overnight. Christmas was one of those things I simplified. Gone is the endless quest for the perfect gift. You give me a list or you get what I give. I give to family and a few friends. Not 42 of my closest friends and relatives. Gone is the 6 foot Christmas tree festooned with two huge boxes of hundreds of ornaments and the tangle of lights that never seem to work the next year. We now have not one, but 7 “mercury glass” trees on the mantle. Easy up, easy down and the presents go under my 3’ Norfolk Pine. Gone are the elaborate decorations, I hook a wreath on the door. Done! I no longer dictate there be bushes and trees so laden with glowing (only white) outdoor lights that they are a beacon to those traveling from afar. (And that light up the hood so bright no one can miss it) If the hubs wants to put a few up, thats his job. Both up and down. And gone is the process of making my own cards and sending them to everyone I know. Literally. Everyone. I’ve always been a “go big or go home” kind of gal. It’s always been how I roll. Can people really change? It been 5 years now and I simplify a little more every year without sacrificing any of the meaning. If anything, I’ve recovered my sense of the real meaning of Christmas.

Bah-Humbug you say? Maybe. But I dont feel that way. I did at first, but the more years that pass with this toned down, basic Christmas, the more I can enjoy it. I can put more thought into the gifts I do give. I bring out only the things I love and not the things I’m really to busy to fuss over. That only caused stress. Did I mention I don’t like taking it all down? Now, taking it down its an afternoon job, not a week long one. And I know you're waiting for it... Don’t I miss making my own Christmas cards? No. I really don’t. I paint for myself these days and if I want to paint a Christmas scene at Christmas time, I do. No pressure. None of the hours creating, editing, sending to a printer- spending days addressing, stamping and mailing cards. I’m just over it. 

This trimmed down Christmas suits me just fine. But just in case YOU miss my Christmas card art, here is a quick little sketch of one of my favorite Christmas things. I don’t put any nutcrackers out, so this little guy is just the ticket. Fun, colorful and VERY low maintenance! 

Have a (complicated and wonderfully full...or...a pared down purposefully simple) Merry Christmas!! Until next year! 

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